Established in 2017, W-A Electronics Supplies, LLC is a service-oriented distributor who puts the customer first. We are a Certified Small Business distributor serving the Aerospace, Military and Industrial marketplace. W-A Electronics has kept helping customer’s meets their financial targets and obtaining the best Quality on Electronics Components, Fasteners, Hardware and more. 

At W-A Electronics we strongly believe customers should have access to obtain their products at a very reasonable price, for this reason our prices are very competitive on the market. W-A Electronics has the ability to make long-term agreements that allows customers to take advantage of long-term fixed prices, have products stocked at our warehouse, and deliver them as per customer schedules on a future date or even drop-shipped parts directly to end Customers. This prevent worrying about storage considerations, price inflation or product discontinuation. Please ask our sales team for more details!


W-A Electronics Supplies, LLC | 557 Grand Concourse | Suite 6013 | Bronx, NY, 10451 U.S.A. 
Phone: 718-701-2535 | Fax: 718-701-2524 | |